Enough is Enough!

There are more than 30,000 firearm-related deaths per year in the U.S.
-- about 80 every day!

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

Let's not forget -- The NRA is the gunmaker's lobby.
Their biggest selling product is the assault rifle. It's a resilient industry unhindered by the recession, where record sales led to a $31.8 billion impact on the national economy in 2012, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a firearm industry group based in Newtown. (Yes, THAT Newtown) So, don't let them change the subject!

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

I stand with Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly

Two years ago, a mentally ill young man shot Gabby Giffords in the head, killed six of her constituents, and wounded 12 others. Since that terrible day, America has seen 11 more mass shootings - but no response from Congress to prevent gun violence. After the massacre of 20 children and six of their teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary though, it's clear: This time must be different.

Americans for Responsible Solutions will encourage elected officials to stand up for solutions to prevent gun violence and protect responsible gun ownership by communicating directly with the constituents that elect them.

Please join me today by signing up to demand responsible solutions to reduce gun violence:



The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

The Second Amendment on gun rights is not absolute. It has a clause about gun ownership connected to the need for a "well-regulated militia." Amendment Two is no more absolute than Amendment One on speech and press rights.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

The Death of Us
by Chuck Ebeling, April 11, 2013

On Morning Joe today, someone suggested we should celebrate Congress, which is apparently getting together on background checks applicable to gun show and gun shop weapon purchases. I guess we are so disillusioned with our Congress, that any little progress at all is cause for celebration. BS. What little Congress has the potential to do to stem gun violence they have proven largely incapable of (big surprise). What happened to assault gun sale prohibitions, and restrictions on large magazines?

Even if our impotent Congress did everything possible legislatively, it would hardly make a dent in the gun violence issue. Until private ownership of assault guns, large magazines, automatic weapons, and pistols (except small caliber target pistols) are restricted to the police and military, gun violence will continue substantially unabated.

The 2nd amendment calls for "well-regulated militias" to be allowed to be armed. That means the military. Is that so hard to understand? Someone said to me yesterday, "do I think knives should be restricted, too?" No. Guns offer the opportunity for remote killing, and can be wielded with vastly greater efficiency and effect than knives, or bows and arrows. That's why guns were invented. So let’s get real -- guns extend and increase our human ability to damage others, exponentially.

Yes, people deserve to be able to hunt with guns, and defend themselves, but they don't have to be armed to the teeth with military-type and concealed weapons to do so. People, and even Congress, know this, and our collective failure to act on this knowledge could be the death of us, and not just philosophically.

Let's Repeal the Second Amendment. Wouldn't the need for a contemporary "well-regulated militia" include jet fighters, ground-to-air missiles and drones?

Jerry Andrews recently emailed: I'm thinking we need to repeal the 2nd Amendment & just go to a system similar to Australia or Canada with regards to firearms. Make firearms ownership a privilege, like automobile ownership is here, rather then a right. Have the states set up regulatory agencies such as the state DMVs in this country to exercise some control over who exactly is purchasing firearms in this country. The firearms regulatory agencies in the states would function much as the state Department of Motor Vehicles do now: performing testing (written & psych/personality tests), background checks, shooting range tests, and licensing (licensing which would also require proof of insurance to cover damages in case the firearm was used against a person or property).

Sure sounds sensible to me.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

Guns do not make us safer. If they did, America would be the safest country in the world. Compare our gun fatality rates with other countries with sensible gun laws.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

The biggest risk for gun violence is a gun.

Click Here For
Gun Deaths Since Sandy Hook

Click Here For
Doonnesbury's take on the subject . . .

Click Here For
A Cartoon . . .

Click Here For
The Opinion of Three St. Louis Doctors